Historical facts, figures, and documents that reiterate how AA came to be, how it worked, and what happened.
- The History of Alcoholics Anonymous Beginners Classes: A Speech by Wally P.
- The Early History of ‘How It Works’ by Wally P.
- Minneapolis alcoholic recovery rates from the 1943 – 1945 indicates that 75% of its members are successful at staying sober!
- Sponsorship…Lessons from the Old-timers
- A Brief History of Chips/Keytags, Medallions, & Sobriety Birthdays – Principles or Personalities?
- A.A. Pioneer, Clarence H. Snyder was the first to initiate ‘Big Book’ sponsorship
- A.A. Oldtimers…On the First Step
- A.A. Oldtimers…On the Second Step
- A.A. Oldtimers…On the Sixth Step
- A.A. Oldtimers…On the Third Step
- A.A. Oldtimers…On the Fifth Step
- A.A. Oldtimers…On the Fourth Step
- A.A. Oldtimers…On the Seventh Step
- A.A. Oldtimers…On the Eighth Step
- A.A. Oldtimers…On the Nineth Step
- A.A. Oldtimers…on the Tenth Step…
- A.A. Oldtimes…On the Eleventh Step…
- A.A. Oldtimes…On the Twelveth Step…
- “Here are the steps we took” by Clarence Snyder
- ‘Get Honest With Yourself, Pray,’ Alcoholics Anonymous Advise
- A Prescription for Sobriety
- A.A.’s “Prince of All Twelfth-Steppers” — Dr. Bob
- Are you trying carrying the message?
- Do We Make Too Much of Anniversaries?
- On Simplicity, of Faith, of Living, of Outlook
- Sponsorship: A Dying Art… Chicago Group Suggests A Revival Is Overdue
- Surrender by Tom P. Jr.
- Taking Inventory – A.A. Grapevine, January 1955, Vol. 11 No. 8
- The history behind reading The Lord’s Prayer at 12 Step meetings
- What is the history behind AA’s Responsibility Statement?
- What was early A.A. was really like?
- Working with Others: How the oldtimers worked with others the 1940’s